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Cloud storage

🤗 數據集支持通過 fsspec 文件系統實現訪問雲存儲服務的存取。您可以以 Python 方式從任何雲存儲服務來保存和加載數據集。請查看下表,了解受支持的雲存儲服務的一些範例:

Storage provider Filesystem implementation
Amazon S3 s3fs
Google Cloud Storage gcsfs
Azure Blob/DataLake adlfs
Dropbox dropboxdrivefs
Google Drive gdrivefs
Oracle Cloud Storage ocifs

本指南將向您展示如何使用任何雲存儲服務保存和加載數據集。以下是 S3Google 雲存儲Azure Blob 存儲Oracle 雲 Object 存儲的範例。

Set up your cloud storage FileSystem

Amazon S3

  1. 安裝 S3 FileSystem implementation:

     pip install s3fs
  2. 定義您的 credentials

    要使用匿名連接,請使用 anon=True。否則,每當您與私有 S3 存儲桶交互時,請包含您的 aws_access_key_idaws_secret_access_key

    storage_options = {"anon": True}  # for anonymous connection
    storage_options = {"key": aws_access_key_id, "secret": aws_secret_access_key}  # for private buckets
    import aiobotocore.session
    s3_session = aiobotocore.session.AioSession(profile="my_profile_name")
    storage_options = {"session": s3_session}
    storage_options = {
        "anon": False, # for anonymous connection
        "key": "*********", # access_key
        "secret": "*********", # secret_key
        "use_ssl": False, # use https or http
        "client_kwargs": {
            "endpoint_url": "http://localhost:9000" # minio endpoint
  3. 創建你的 FileSystem instance

    import s3fs
    fs = s3fs.S3FileSystem(**storage_options)

Class: datasets.filesystems.S3FileSystem


  • anon (bool, default to False) — Whether to use anonymous connection (public buckets only). If False, uses the key/secret given, or boto’s credential - resolver (client_kwargs, environment, variables, config files, EC2 IAM server, in that order).
  • key (str) — If not anonymous, use this access key ID, if specified.
  • secret (str) — If not anonymous, use this secret access key, if specified.
  • token (str) — If not anonymous, use this security token, if specified.
  • use_ssl (bool, defaults to True) — Whether to use SSL in connections to S3; may be faster without, but insecure. If use_ssl is also set in client_kwargs, the value set in client_kwargs will take priority.
  • s3_additional_kwargs (dict) — Parameters that are used when calling S3 API methods. Typically used for things like ServerSideEncryption.
  • client_kwargs (dict) — Parameters for the botocore client.
  • requester_pays (bool, defaults to False) — Whether RequesterPays buckets are supported.
  • default_block_size (int) — If given, the default block size value used for open(), if no specific value is given at all time. The built-in default is 5MB.
  • default_fill_cache (bool, defaults to True) — Whether to use cache filling with open by default. Refer to
  • default_cache_type (str, defaults to bytes) — If given, the default cache_type value used for open(). Set to none if no caching is desired. See fsspec’s documentation for other available cache_type values.
  • version_aware (bool, defaults to False) — Whether to support bucket versioning. If enable this will require the user to have the necessary IAM permissions for dealing with versioned objects.
  • cache_regions (bool, defaults to False) — Whether to cache bucket regions. Whenever a new bucket is used, it will first find out which region it belongs to and then use the client for that region.
  • asynchronous (bool, defaults to False) — Whether this instance is to be used from inside coroutines.
  • config_kwargs (dict) — Parameters passed to botocore.client.Config. **kwargs — Other parameters for core session.
  • session (aiobotocore.session.AioSession) — Session to be used for all connections. This session will be used inplace of creating a new session inside S3FileSystem. For example: aiobotocore.session.AioSession(profile='test_user').
  • skip_instance_cache (bool) — Control reuse of instances. Passed on to fsspec.
  • use_listings_cache (bool) — Control reuse of directory listings. Passed on to fsspec.
  • listings_expiry_time (int or float) — Control reuse of directory listings. Passed on to fsspec.
  • max_paths (int) — Control reuse of directory listings. Passed on to fsspec.

datasets.filesystems.S3FileSystems3fs.S3FileSystem 的子類。

用戶可以使用此 class 來訪問 S3,就像它是一個文件系統一樣。它在 S3 存儲之上公開了類似文件系統的 API(lscpopen 等)。顯式提供憑據 (key=、secret=) 或使用 boto`` 的憑據方法。請參閱botocore文檔以獲取更多信息。如果沒有可用的憑據,請使用anon=True`。


Listing files from public S3 bucket

import datasets

s3 = datasets.filesystems.S3FileSystem(anon=True)'public-datasets/imdb/train')



Listing files from private S3 bucket using aws_access_key_id and aws_secret_access_key.

import datasets

s3 = datasets.filesystems.S3FileSystem(key=aws_access_key_id, secret=aws_secret_access_key)'my-private-datasets/imdb/train')



Using S3Filesystem with botocore.session.Session and custom aws_profile.

import botocore
from datasets.filesystems import S3Filesystem

s3_session = botocore.session.Session(profile_name='my_profile_name')

s3 = S3FileSystem(session=s3_session)

Loading dataset from S3 using S3Filesystem and load_from_disk().

from datasets import load_from_disk
from datasets.filesystems import S3Filesystem

s3 = S3FileSystem(key=aws_access_key_id, secret=aws_secret_access_key)

dataset = load_from_disk('s3://my-private-datasets/imdb/train', storage_options=s3.storage_options)



from datasets import load_from_disk

storage_options = {
        "anon": False, # for anonymous connection
        "key": "minioadmin", # access_key
        "secret": "minioadmin", # secret_key
        "use_ssl": False, # use https or http
        "client_kwargs": {
            "endpoint_url": "http://localhost:9000" # minio endpoint

dataset = load_from_disk('s3://my-private-datasets/imdb/train', storage_options=storage_options)




Saving dataset to S3 using S3Filesystem and Dataset.save_to_disk().

from datasets import load_dataset
from datasets.filesystems import S3Filesystem

dataset = load_dataset("imdb")

s3 = S3FileSystem(key=aws_access_key_id, secret=aws_secret_access_key)

dataset.save_to_disk('s3://my-private-datasets/imdb/train', storage_options=s3.storage_options)
from datasets import load_dataset

dataset = load_dataset("imdb")

storage_options = {
            "anon": False, # for anonymous connection
            "key": "minioadmin", # access_key
            "secret": "minioadmin", # secret_key
            "use_ssl": False, # use https or http
            "client_kwargs": {
                "endpoint_url": "http://localhost:9000" # minio endpoint

dataset.save_to_disk('s3://my-private-datasets/imdb/train', storage_options=storage_options)

Google Cloud Storage

  1. 安裝 Google Cloud Storage implementation:

    conda install -c conda-forge gcsfs
    # or install using pip
    pip install gcsfs
  2. 定義您的 credentials

    storage_options={"token": "anon"}  # for anonymous connection
    # or use your credentials of your default gcloud credentials or from the google metadata service
    storage_options={"project": "my-google-project"}
    # or use your credentials from elsewhere, see the documentation at
    storage_options={"project": "my-google-project", "token": TOKEN}
  3. 創建你的 FileSystem instance

    import gcsfs
    fs = gcsfs.GCSFileSystem(**storage_options)

Azure Blob Storage

  1. 安裝 Azure Blob Storage implementation:

    conda install -c conda-forge adlfs
    # or install using pip
    pip install adlfs
  2. 定義您的 credentials

    storage_options = {"anon": True}  # for anonymous connection
    # or use your credentials
    storage_options = {"account_name": ACCOUNT_NAME, "account_key": ACCOUNT_KEY}  # gen 2 filesystem
    # or use your credentials with the gen 1 filesystem
    storage_options={"tenant_id": TENANT_ID, "client_id": CLIENT_ID, "client_secret": CLIENT_SECRET}
  3. 創建你的 FileSystem instance

    import adlfs
    fs = adlfs.AzureBlobFileSystem(**storage_options)

Oracle Cloud Object Storage

  1. 安裝 OCI FileSystem implementation:

    conda install -c conda-forge ocifs
    # or install using pip
    pip install ocifs
  2. 定義您的 credentials

    storage_options = {"config": "~/.oci/config", "region": "us-ashburn-1"} 
  3. 創建你的 FileSystem instance

    import ocifs
    fs = ocifs.OCIFileSystem(**storage_options)

Load and Save your datasets using your cloud storage FileSystem

Download and prepare a dataset into a cloud storage

您可以通過在 download_and_prepare 中指定遠程 output_dir 將數據集下載並準備到雲存儲服務中。不要忘記使用之前定義的包含您的憑據的 storage_options

download_and_prepare 方法分兩個步驟進行:

  1. 它首先下載本地緩存中的原始數據文件(如果有)。您可以通過將 cache_dir 傳遞給 load_dataset_builder() 來設置緩存目錄
  2. 然後它通過迭代原始數據文件在雲存儲中生成 ArrowParquet 格式的數據集。


從 Hugging Face Hub 加載數據集構建器(了解how to load from the Hugging Face Hub):

from datasets import load_dataset_builder

output_dir = "s3://my-bucket/imdb"

builder = load_dataset_builder("imdb")

builder.download_and_prepare(output_dir, storage_options=storage_options, file_format="parquet")

另外一種手法是使用本地的 loading script 來加載 dataset builder(請參閱 how to load a local loading script):

output_dir = "s3://my-bucket/imdb"

builder = load_dataset_builder("path/to/local/loading_script/")

builder.download_and_prepare(output_dir, storage_options=storage_options, file_format="parquet")

使用您自己的數據文件 (請參閱 how to load local and remote files):

data_files = {"train": ["path/to/train.csv"]}

output_dir = "s3://my-bucket/imdb"

builder = load_dataset_builder("csv", data_files=data_files)

builder.download_and_prepare(output_dir, storage_options=storage_options, file_format="parquet")

強烈建議將文件保存為壓縮的 Parquet 文件,通過指定 file_format="parquet" 來優化 I/O。否則,數據集將保存為未壓縮的 Arrow 文件。

您還可以使用 max_shard_size 指定分片的大小(默認為 500MB):

builder.download_and_prepare(output_dir, storage_options=storage_options, file_format="parquet", max_shard_size="1GB")


Dask 是一個並行計算庫,它有一個類似 pandas 的 API,用於並行處理大於內存的 Parquet 數據集。 Dask 可以在單台機器或機器集群上使用多個線程或進程來並行處理數據。 Dask 支持本地數據,也支持來自雲存儲的數據。

因此,您可以在 Dask 中加載保存為分片 Parquet 文件的數據集:

import dask.dataframe as dd

df = dd.read_parquet(output_dir, storage_options=storage_options)

# or if your dataset is split into train/valid/test
df_train = dd.read_parquet(output_dir + f"/{}-train-*.parquet", storage_options=storage_options)
df_valid = dd.read_parquet(output_dir + f"/{}-validation-*.parquet", storage_options=storage_options)
df_test = dd.read_parquet(output_dir + f"/{}-test-*.parquet", storage_options=storage_options)

您可以在其文檔中找到有關 dask dataframes的更多信息。

Saving serialized datasets

處理完數據集後,您可以使用 Dataset.save_to_disk() 將其保存到雲存儲中:

encoded_dataset.save_to_disk("s3://my-private-datasets/imdb/train", storage_options=storage_options)

encoded_dataset.save_to_disk("gcs://my-private-datasets/imdb/train", storage_options=storage_options)

encoded_dataset.save_to_disk("adl://my-private-datasets/imdb/train", storage_options=storage_options)


每當您與私有雲存儲交互時,請記住在文件系統實例 fs 中定義您的 credentials。


# load dataset from Hugging Hub
dataset = load_dataset("imdb")

# setup storage options for remote file system
storage_options = {
    "anon": False, # for anonymous connection
    "key": "minioadmin", # access_key
    "secret": "minioadmin", # secret_key
    "use_ssl": False, # use https or http
    "client_kwargs": {
        "endpoint_url": "http://localhost:9000" # minio endpoint

# serialize dataset to remote file system
dataset.save_to_disk("s3://my-private-datasets/imdb", storage_options=storage_options)

Listing serialized datasets

使用 列出帶有文件系統實例 fs 的雲存儲中的文件:"my-private-datasets/imdb", detail=False)



Load serialized datasets

當您準備好再次使用數據集時,請使用 Dataset.load_from_disk() 重新加載它:

from datasets import load_from_disk

dataset = load_from_disk("s3://my-private-datasets/imdb", storage_options=storage_options)



import datasets

# setup storage options for remote file system
storage_options = {
        "anon": False, # for anonymous connection
        "key": "minioadmin", # access_key
        "secret": "minioadmin", # secret_key
        "use_ssl": False, # use https or http
        "client_kwargs": {
            "endpoint_url": "http://localhost:9000" # minio endpoint

# load dataset from remote file system
dataset = datasets.load_from_disk("s3://my-private-datasets/imdb", storage_options=storage_options)



    train: Dataset({
        features: ['text', 'label'],
        num_rows: 25000
    test: Dataset({
        features: ['text', 'label'],
        num_rows: 25000
    unsupervised: Dataset({
        features: ['text', 'label'],
        num_rows: 50000