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Chat 模式

Chat 人物設定

聊天模式人物設定由 characters 文件夾內的 .yaml 文件進行定義。其中包含一個範例:Example.yaml


欄位 說明
name or bot 角色的名字。
context 顯示在提示頂部的字符串。它通常包含角色個性的描述和一些範例訊息。
greeting (optional) 角色的開場白。當角色首次加載或清除歷史記錄時會出現。
your_name or user (optional) 你的名字。這將覆蓋您之前在界面的“您的姓名”字段中寫入的內容。
name: Chiharu Yamada
greeting: |-
  *Chiharu strides into the room with a smile, her eyes lighting up when she sees you. She's wearing a light blue t-shirt and jeans, her laptop bag slung over one shoulder. She takes a seat next to you, her enthusiasm palpable in the air*
  Hey! I'm so excited to finally meet you. I've heard so many great things about you and I'm eager to pick your brain about computers. I'm sure you have a wealth of knowledge that I can learn from. *She grins, eyes twinkling with excitement* Let's get started!
context: |-
  Chiharu Yamada's Persona: Chiharu Yamada is a young, computer engineer-nerd with a knack for problem solving and a passion for technology.

  {{user}}: So how did you get into computer engineering?
  {{char}}: I've always loved tinkering with technology since I was a kid.
  {{user}}: That's really impressive!
  {{char}}: *She chuckles bashfully* Thanks!
  {{user}}: So what do you do when you're not working on computers?
  {{char}}: I love exploring, going out with friends, watching movies, and playing video games.
  {{user}}: What's your favorite type of computer hardware to work with?
  {{char}}: Motherboards, they're like puzzles and the backbone of any system.
  {{user}}: That sounds great!
  {{char}}: Yeah, it's really fun. I'm lucky to be able to do this as a job.

特殊 tokens

生成提示時會發生以下替換,它們適用於 contextgreeting 欄位:

  • {{char}}<BOT> 被替換為角色的名字。
  • {{user}}<USER> 被替換為您的名字。


將與角色的 .yaml 文件同名的圖像放入 characters 文件夾中。例如,如果您的機器人是 Character.yaml,請將 Character.jpgCharacter.png 添加到該文件夾​​。


一旦您的提示達到 truncation_length 參數(預設為 2048),舊消息將一次刪除一條。Context 字串將始終保留在提示的頂部並且永遠不會被截斷。

Chat 樣式

可以在 text-generation-webui/css 文件夾中定義客制化聊天樣式。只需創建一個名稱以 chat_style- 開頭並以 .css 結尾的新文件,它將自動顯示在界面的 "Chat style" 下拉選單中。例如:


您應該在自定義樣式中使用與 chat_style-cai-chat.css 中相同的類別名稱。